Heterosis or hybrid vigor results in a hybrids phenotypic superiority over its founder parents for quantitative and qualitative traits. Dominance of linked factors as a means of accounting for heterosis. Abstract heterosis, gca, sca and gentic diversity of hybrids of maize zea maysl. When two homozygous inbreeds a true breeding line obtained by continuous inbreeding of genetically unlike constituents are crossed together, the resulting hybrids. Wait for the conversion process to finish and download files either one by one, using thumbnails, or. The standard is defined by the organisation for economic cooperation and development oecd.
The file requirements are expressed using xml, but the oecd does not impose any particular file. Heterosis, also called hybrid vigour, the increase in such characteristics as size, growth rate, fertility, and yield of a hybrid organism over those of its parents. Instantly convert html files to pdf format with this free online converter. Heterosis, hybrid vigor, or outbreeding enhancement is the improved or increased function of any biological quality in a hybrid offspring. Heterosis vigor hibrido y consanguinidad articulos. In this perspective, we consider that it might be useful to the field to. Selected references these references are in pubmed. Plant and animal breeders exploit heterosis by mating two different purebred lines that have certain desirable traits. The offspring of a f1 female will benefit from maternal heterosis 3. The firstgeneration offspring generally show, in greater measure, the desired characteristics of both. Various models have been posited to explain heterosis, including. The full text of this article is available as a pdf 553k. Click the upload files button and select up to 20 html files or zip archives containing html, images and stylesheets.
An offspring is heterotic if its traits are enhanced as a result of mixing the genetic contributions of its parents. These effects can be due to mendelian or nonmendelian inheritance. Genetic divergence, hybrid vigor, distances, similitude, classification analysis, discriminant. Hybrid vigor is defined by mechanisms such as dominant.
In the present work a dialelic mating design with ten varieties of. Zea mays, cruzas dialelicas, efectos geneticos, heterosis. Pdf a diallel cross was made among seven populations of white corn. The agricultural research foundation danac supplied all the populations. As much as 100 % or greater midparent heterosis f1 mp, where mp is the mean of the parents and over 40 % highparent heterosis f1 hp. Heterosis between varieties of husk tomato physalis ixocarpa brot. Scribd is the worlds largest social reading and publishing site. In this article we will discuss about heterosis or hybrid vigour.
This may not be the complete list of references from this article. Heterosis is a phenomenon in which a progeny of distinct individuals exhibitshigherlower values for the traits than the average of any of the original parent used. Despite its importance in maize production, we know surprisingly little about the genetic basis of heterosis. Heterosis is retained in the breeding of crossbred animal and is related to the probability of alleles from different parental lines joining together. Saft standard audit file for tax is an international standard for electronic exchange of reliable accounting data from organizations to a national tax authority or external auditors. Edwards heterosis is the foundation of modern maize breeding programs. Types of heterosis there are three main types of heterosis. Knowledge about the combining ability, genetic diversity and heterosis of germoplasm. Various models have been posited to explain heterosis, including dominance, overdominance, and pseudooverdominance. Evaluating combinatory ability and heterosis of seven parental pisum sativum l. Yield, heterosis and inbreeding depression of single crosses of maize.